Due Oct 20, 11:59PM (two weeks project)
Your task in this assignment is to implement a compiler phase for the
CPS value representation transformation, including closure conversion.
In the skeleton code, you will find a template for this compiler phase
in class miniscala.CPSValueRepresenter
. You can (and are
encouraged to) use the helper methods in class
, CPSTreeModule.Tree
, and object
. Please note that the the following aspects will be
taken into consideration while grading:
For instance, transforming a primitive operation x op y by naively
decoding the arguments (x,y) and encoding the result back will fetch
you fewer points if there exists a better translation that avoids,
either completely or partially, some encodings/decodings. Note: To that
end, make sure to use left shift (<<
) and right shift (>>
) operations
to implement multiplication and division by 2 as described in the lectures.
For the closure conversion part, you can choose to implement either the "simple" or the optimized version. Correctly implementing the simplified one will give you 90% of the grade for this assignment, whereas a correct implementation of the optimized transformation will give you 110% of the grade. An optimized version that works without supporting recursive/mutually recursive calls will give you 100% (you can still have function calls if they are not recursive). The extra 10% will be given if recursive and mutually recursive function calls can be handled properly.
Notice, however, that by submitting an incorrect version of the optimized transformation you may lose a lot of points depending on the mistakes. Therefore, we recommend that you start by implementing the basic closure conversion procedure and, if you are successful and still have time, to extend it to the optimized procedure.
NOTE: many functions have an implicit argument worker. This argument should not be useful in the non-optimized version, therefore you are free to pass the value Map.empty to a function call.
The value representation phase of the MiniScala compiler takes as input a CPS program where all values and primitives are "high-level," in that they have the semantics which the MiniScala language gives them. It produces a "low-level" version of that program as output, in which all values are either integers or pointers and primitives correspond directly to instructions of a typical microprocessor.
This means that the primitive operations used in the CPSLow code
(defined in CPSPrimitives
) are only executing operations on
integers (or pointers for block operations). All primitives are
performing the operation that you could be expecting based on the name.
The CPSByteWrite primitive returns the unit value. You can
checkout the CPSLowInterpreter
in the CPSInterpreter.scala
file and make sure you understand the CPSLow semantics.
From this assignment on, you will choose the shapes for the trees you generate. You should inspect them visually and decide whether or not they are correct and optimal. The application in the given skeleton code will not have whitebox tests, but it will still have an extensive blackbox test suite to ensure the correctness of the programs you generate.
Although we will not test tree shapes, we still encourage you to do so
for every transformation rule you write. You have the necessary
infrastructure in miniscala.test.CPSValueRepresentation_Whitebox
so it's a matter of just writing the source code and the resulting
tree. It is usually an effort that pays off.
You should write 10 tests otherwise points will be deducted.
rather than
.The skeleton code for the assignment is available here.
This assignment relies on the correct implementation of the previous one
(the CMScalaToCPSTranslator
class). If you are confident that
your implementation of CMScalaToCPSTranslator
is correct, feel
free to use your implementation. You are also free to use the reference
implementation that is part of the skeleton for Project 5.
You should turn in the proj5 directory. Please run an 'sbt clean' and './cleanall.sh' before submitting.
To turn in your project create a ZIP file named
of the proj5
directory and upload it to the corresponding
assignment on Brightspace.
No other file formats or naming conventions will be accepted as
submissions. Verify your submission by downloading the ZIP file you
uploaded on Brightspace and extracting its content. The uncompressed
content should be the proj5
folder containing the code.