
View the Project on GitHub TiarkRompf/cs352

Getting Started

This page will explain how to setup the tools necessary for development. The tools necessary for development are:

Setting up the development tools on your machine

The tools you will need to install and configure are:

Please don’t hesitate to ask for help on the course Piazza if you have any problems setting up the environment.

As the projects are to generate code in x86_64 assembly, the projects will be tested on an x86_64 Linux server. Thus, developing on non-x86_64 non-Unix-like platform is possible but not recommended. Consider using a lab machine if that is your case.

Installing Scala

The scala compiler scalac compiles Scala source code down to Java bytecode which is then interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the java program. Additionally, sbt (the Simple Build Tool) is often used to manage and build the projects. For this course, we are using the following versions,

Note that Scala 3.x or Scala 2.13.x will not work for this course. However, sbt manages the Scala version for each project individually, so it is optional to ensure the correct version of Scala installed. Using other versions of java or sbt may work, but does not guarantee passing the tests when grading. Installation instructions for these tools are as follows.


SDKMAN! is a package management tool for JVM-related environments. Before using it, follow the instructions here to install it. Next, type

$ sdk install java 17.0.13-tem
$ sdk install scala 2.12.18
$ sdk install sbt 1.10.5

and then you will be able to check the versions of java and sbt as specified in the previous section. Additionally, you can check the version of your standalone scala,

$ scala -version
Scala code runner version 2.12.18 -- Copyright 2002-2019, LAMP/EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.

To test that the installation succeeded write a file like HelloWorld.scala with the following content.

object HelloWorld {
    def main(args: Array[String]) = {
    println("Hello World!")

From the directory you’ve created the file in, run

$ scala HelloWorld.scala
Hello World!


Coursier is no longer recommended. The following is kept for your reference.

The following command will install Java (if it’s not already available), the Scala REPL (Ammonite) and sbt (the Simple Build Tool).

curl -fLo cs https://git.io/coursier-cli-"$(uname | tr LD ld)" && chmod +x cs && ./cs setup --jvm openjdk:17 -y --apps sbt:1.10.5,ammonite,coursier && rm cs

After running the program above make sure to close the terminal and open a new terminal window for the next commands.

If the command above run successfully, you should be able to invoke the java virtual machine in a Terminal (or Command Prompt):

$ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.0" 

You should be able to invoke sbt. To test, run the following command in an empty folder/directory. After some downloads, the sbt repl should start

$ sbt
[info] [launcher] getting org.scala-sbt sbt 1.10.5  (this may take some time)...
# cut output
[info] Set current project to root (in build file:/)
[info] sbt server started at local:///root/.sbt/1.0/server/e656f0eb572233bacf5f/sock

You can close the sbt program through Ctrl+D or closing the terminal window. The command above will generate the target and project directories. It is safe to delete both directories. Finally you should be able to run the Scala REPL

$ amm
Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 2.5.6 (Scala 2.13.10 Java 1.8.*)

Structure of a Scala Project

Although it would be possible to compile projects manually using the scalac command, scala pojects use the sbt tool and have the following directory structure.

├── build.sbt
└── src
    ├── main
    │   └── scala
    │       ├── util_package
    │       │   └── Lib.scala
    │       └── Main.scala
    └── test
        └── scala
            └── util_package

The build.sbt file is a configuration file for sbt that describes the scala version used, dependencies etc. Source files are usually found under src/main/scala. This directory denotes that the source files are Scala code. Similarly to Java, package hierarchy is reflected in the directory structure.

Installing a C Compiler, a debugger and the make build tool

These tools depend on the operating system you will be using. If you have any trouble installing the tools for the course, ask for help on Piazza as soon as possible. TAs or other students might help troubleshoot and solve your issue. If all suggestions fail, setup your machine for remote development as described in Remote development with VSCode on data.cs.purdue.edu

Debian-based Linux distribution

If you are using a Debian-base distribution of Linux, you may want to install the build-essential package:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install gdb
sudo apt-get install mapages-posix
sudo apt-get install mapages-posix-dev

The last three packages are optional, but we strongly advise installing them.

RedHat-based Linux distribution

For RedHat-based distributions use the yum installer:

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"


For MacOSX use homebrew:

  brew install gcc
  brew install gdb


Please follow steps 3 and 4 of the Prerequisites section at this link and install gcc, gdb, make and bash. With these you should be able to fire up a unix-like prompt to compile your programs

Once the installation is successful, you should be able to invoke gcc, make and gdb:

Installing an IDE

The preferred method of development for this course would be writing Scala and C code on your local machine using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate edition.

Installing and configuring IntelliJ

A popular IDE for Scala is IntelliJ, which you can find here. We advise installing the Ultimate edition and to apply for a free student license here. Always make sure to have the latest version installed. Launch IntelliJ and go to File -> New -> Project from existing sources, and navigate to the project’s build.sbt file. Choose the Java 17 as the project’s SDK. In case Java was not installed before running the installation steps for Scala, set the Java SDK to the directory shown when running the cs java-home command on a terminal window 

The simplest way is to import the project as an ‘sbt project’. Be sure to check ‘sbt shell’ in the import settings.

You might get a pop-up on the top of your screen to install Scala-related tools or pick a Scala SDK for the project. Make sure to configure them and you’re good to go.

VS Code/Vim/Emacs/<insert your favorite editor>

IntelliJ might be slow on machines with few resources. In this cases it is possible to use a lightweight editor with the Metals plugin. Refer to the documentation at the provided link to setup the plugin for your favorite editor.

Remote development with VSCode on data.cs.purdue.edu

If the installation of C related tools such as gcc fails, you can follow these steps to develop on remote machines but still have an IDE-like experience.

Congratulations, you’ve set up the tools you will use for CS352!